Evan Jones
DJ 2003-2004
Programming Director 2004-2005
What made you first want to join Radio UTD?
Here is a long rambling story. I have been friends with Justin Appleby since 7th grade. We attended high school together and when graduation came Justin decided to attend UTD as a McDermott Scholar and I went off to Calpoly. 1 year later I had failed out of engineering school and came back to Dallas hat in hand. Justin, being the friend he was, got me into UTD and made me aware he starting up an internet radio station on campus. We both had fairly passionate and wide ranging tastes in music so it made sense that I become part of it as well. Now I can proudly say I was one of the original Radio UTD DJs even though I hadn’t the slightest idea what it would become.
How did Radio change from when you started to when you left?
By far the biggest change was getting our studio in the Student Union. Formerly we had been broadcasting out of a tiny office in the engineering building. We were incredibly out of place there and getting our new studio really leant an air of legitimacy to the entire operation. It also rejuvenated student body interest and upped the quality of our broadcasts. It was a huge win for us. We didn’t have the studio long before I graduated but passing the torch was much easier having the studio in place.
What were your favorite albums in the years you were a DJ?
A ton of good music came out while I was a DJ, just to name a few:
Postal Service – Give up
Atmosphere – Seven’s Travels
The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
Aesop Rock – Bazooka Tooth
Arcade Fire – Funeral
Interpol – Antics
Death From Above 1979 – You’re A Woman, I’m A Machine
What were your favorite new discoveries in the years you were a DJ?
Quite a few of the ones I listed above, also LCD Soundsystem and Aqueduct.
What were some of your favorite memories being in Radio UTD?
Putting on the showcases was always fun. Also going to CMJ 2005 in New York with Shil Patel & Ben Vaughn was an amazing memory. Also drinking Sparks at the CMJ after parties until your tongue turns permanently orange. It was the original Four Loco. I met some great friends through the station, many of whom I’m still in touch with to this day.
Where do you see Radio UTD being 10 years from now?
I expect Radio UTD to have it’s own building on campus and internet broadcasting being offered as a major. Get to work slackers!

Shil Patel
DJ 2003-2004
Music Director 2004-2005
Station Manager 2005-2006
What made you first want to join Radio UTD?
Keegan Knittle first approached me about being a DJ at Radio UTD in 2003. I was wearing a pair of Chuck Taylors and I think that was enough to convince him that I liked music. I was intrigued, and when he asked again a couple months later, I took him up on it. I didn’t know anyone on campus at the time but made a lot of good friends from it.
How did Radio UTD change from when you started to when you left?
Radio UTD was quite different when I first joined. We were located in a small office in the engineering building, and had a pretty limited schedule and music library. I started working with the then music director Andy Adcock to help build the music library and eventually took over as music director. I was there when we made the move to the Student Union in the summer and lugged boxes of CDs and turntables and computers over there, made runs to the surplus to get chairs and couches and cubicle walls. It really felt like we were all building something unique on campus, and at the same time really making a name for ourselves in the DFW and on a national level. By the time I left, the new staff was really motivated and took it to a completely new level.
What were your favorite albums in the years you were a DJ?
2004: Arcade Fire – Funeral
Dungen – Ta Det Lugnt
Morrissey – You Are The Quarry
TV On The Radio – Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
2005: Bonnie “Prince” Billy & Matt Sweeney – Superwolf
M83 – Before The Dawn Heals Us
Serena Maneesh – Serena Mannish
Sufjan Stevens – Illinois
2006: Beach House – Beach House
Destroyer – Destroyer’s Rubies
Ghostface Killah – Fishscale
Liars – Drum’s Not Dead
What were your favorite new discoveries in the years you were a DJ?
A lot of my favorite albums of those years were also new discoveries, but I’d say what I’m most thankful for was discovering bands from Dallas/Denton/Fort Worth like Bosque Brown, The Strange Boys, Shiny Around The Edges, Undoing Of David Wright, Eat Avery’s Bones, The Angelus, and many many more. Prior to starting at Radio UTD, I was familiar with some popular local artists like Centro-matic, The Baptist Generals, and Midlake, but I usually spent a lot more time listening to non-DFW artists. My time at Radio UTD really pushed me to discover what was happening in our own backyard.
What were some of your favorite memories being in Radio UTD?
I think the annual spring and fall showcases we held were some of my favorite times. In particular, the years where Strange Boys and Baptist Generals performed were among my favorites. I really loved their music and was so proud to put together a showcase and somehow convince them to come out and play on campus between the student union and library, all on a very limited budget.
What were your favorite (or most memorable) events during your time in Radio UTD?
There was something we put together called Springtoberfest in 2005, and a band called Davlin Chatlin performed. It was total chaos and I loved every second of it. We also asked Bosque Brown to play at a showcase once and they did a beautiful outdoor set on a very cold night, which turned out to be one of my favorite performances during my time at the station.
Where do you see Radio UTD being 10 years from now?
Providing students at Radio UTD an opportunity to do something pretty fun, and presenting awesome new music for us to discover.