Join us on Signs on the Horizon with co-hosts Laya and Kristina, playing their favorites as the sun goes down. Tune in for Laya’s folk tunes until 7:30PM and Kristina’s 80s jams until 9PM. Linger a while and enjoy the music and stories from around the campfire into the night.

Streaming Tuesdays from 6PM-9PM
About the DJ:

Kristina (She/her) is a junior ATEC major with a love of comics, mysteries, and the color pink. When not live on air, she can be found doing her nails, watching her shows, or chatting the ears off unsuspecting passersby.
About the DJ:
Laya (he/him) is a junior in Animation and Games. He enjoys folk music, fantasy novels, and reading extensively into portents of fate. As of writing this bio, he has never gone camping, but sorely wants to.