Monday, March 3, 2025
Hello Gamers! Welcome to Echoes of Enchantment where I play very cool gamer music! Anything that can technically be categorized as video game music will be played! (that is a threat and a promise!) No specific genre will be played but expect a lot of classics from the Sonic series!

Streaming Wednesdays from 11AM-12PM

About the DJ:

Hello Hello! My name is Alejandro you can call me Aj and I am an Animation and Games student. Currently focusing on Storyboarding and Concept Art making. My pronouns are He/Him and this is my first semester as an official Dj! I currently work in the shackles of a retail job and enjoy drawing quite a bit in my free time. My current fandoms include : Marvel, Sonic, Persona 5 and a huge amount of Hatsune Miku!

What we’re playing!