From the Left Ventricle with Bailey is a true variety show. You’ll never know what to expect, and Bailey might not either, so stay tuned! And if, on Wednesdays from 3 to 6 pm, she’s just winging it? Well, at least it’s from the heart!

Streaming Wednesdays from 3PM-6PM
About the DJ:

Hello fans and friends! I’m Bailey, a senior at UTD majoring in VPAs with Film Concentration. Here at Radio UTD, I like to play strange music, work cool events, and talk endlessly to all of our super awesome DJs! Outside of the radio, I’m very interested in writing, reading (somewhat), crafting, various types of old tech, watching and examining movies (of course), and starting projects I rarely finish! If any of these things sound fun to you, be sure to tune into From the Left Ventricle on Wednesdays from 3 to 6 pm. Also please use the opportunity to send me music recommendations! I’m always looking for more to explore!