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HomeFeatureInterview with Flora from Kansas

Interview with Flora from Kansas

Hi, I’m Olivia Foster with Radio UTD, and today I’m here with Flora from Kansas. How are you today?

I’m good. How are you?

Not too bad, not too bad. I wanted to ask, are you in Kansas, or is it just for fun? Is it just camp?

Yes, I am in Kansas.

Okay, so how’s the weather in Kansas?

Well, basically, it is very snowy. I’ve been snowed in for three days. School’s been canceled, everything. So, I’ve just been inside.

I went to high school in South Dakota—I grew up there—so I totally get the snowed in vibe. What have you been up to while snowed in?

I’ve been watching movies. Listening to podcasts. Mostly true crime. So, that’s basically it.

That’s always a good vibe. Okay, top three movies of the snowed in experience? 

Okay, I just watched one called—what was it…. It was called Omniloop, I think? I think it’s new. It’s where this lady takes a pill and she goes back a week. I don’t know. It was kind of like a mind-eff type of movie, so it was pretty good. And then I watched recently an Adam Sandler movie called Jack and Jill where it’s him—he’s the sister, and him—it’s twins. And, I don’t know, that was pretty funny. I literally can’t remember the other movies, but those are the ones I remember.

That’s so real. So, are you a junior, or a senior in high school? Because, I know you’re seventeen. 

Yes, I’m a senior.

Okay, so that’s exciting.


Are you ready to graduate? That’s coming up.

Yeah, I’m very ready to graduate. 

That’s so real. What has it been like for you, starting your music journey in high school? Because you kind of got into songwriting during quarantine, right?

Yeah, mhm.

Okay. So what has that been like for you?

I mean, juggling school and music has been kind of difficult for me. But, I don’t know—during quarantine, obviously it was really easy, because I was doing online school and I had a bunch of free time. So, that’s when I did a lot of music writing and recording. But then when in-person school started, it kind of got a little difficult. But, you know, there’s always summer vacation, and that’s when I love writing a lot of my music, and also winter break. That’s when I get a lot of my writing and recording done. 

That’s nice. What are you planning on doing once you graduate?

Once I graduate, I think I’m gonna focus on my music career. And, I don’t know, I might take some college classes, but I’m not sure if I’m going to do the full college experience. But, I would love to tour or something. That would be really, really fun. 

Dude, for sure. Speaking of your music career, you’ve got an EP coming out in less than a month now, right?


That’s really exciting. What are your thoughts about that?

I’m excited. I think people are gonna love the EP. I’m a little nervous, y’know, because it’s my first full EP. I don’t know, I’m just hoping for the best. 

Well, the singles have been amazing. And I really want to talk about the music videos that you’ve been putting out, because they are so stylistic. The cinematography is amazing, especially The Ghost is Me music video. Me and a few other people at the station have really enjoyed that one, and I wanted to ask, what was the filming process like? Did you write the script, or?

Yeah, so, it’s kind of complicated. It all fell into place, because it was filmed inside of a church that I go to in my own town. It was my uncle’s church that he went to. Anyways. In that church, that’s where Carnival of Souls was filmed, the classic horror movie.

Oh wow.

So, someone had an idea where we should show that movie in the church, because that’s where it was filmed. And so, I think my dad got the idea of “what if we filmed inside of the church, and it could be kind of like Carnival of Souls?” And then it kind of turned into, what if we do it take-by-take, just like the movie Carnival of Souls? It was kind of like that. It was a really crazy process that kind of just fell into place.

That’s so cool. That’s awesome. And then, your other music videos, what were those experiences like? Because, you have quite a few out now, so tell me about those.

Yeah, so, the Wait For You music video that just came out was a really fun one. My dad knows a lot of filmmakers, because he’s in that kind of industry, and so he has a lot of connections, a lot of people he knows that can do that stuff. And so, he just got his friends and asked, “Do you want to make a music video for my daughter?” and they agreed, so, I don’t know. That’s kind of how it happened. And then, that car that I was driving? That was from my dad’s friend’s son, something like that? I don’t know. My dad has all of these connections in my city. We kind of just used what we have to make something cool.

That’s really cool. Where in Kansas are you located specifically, if you don’t mind my asking?

I’m in Lawrence.

Lawrence! I know people who live in Lawrence, okay. 

Oh yeah, awesome. 

Okay, yeah, I’ve driven through there. Nice.


So, were you born in Kansas? Did you grow up there? Are you planning on staying there?

I was born in Topeka, Kansas, which is right next to Lawrence, and I lived there until I was nine-years-old, and then we moved over here to Lawrence. I think it was just for my dad’s work, so yeah, I’ve been living here ever since then. I’m not sure if I’m gonna move, but I might move to Kansas City or something, because Kansas City’s way bigger and it has more opportunities.

I’ve heard that the music scene in Kansas City is really underestimated.

Yeah, for sure. 

I interviewed some artists from Kansas City years ago, and I was kind of blown away by how much they hyped up Kansas City. 


That would be awesome for you, I think. Are you planning on doing a local tour, like going to some Kansas cities? Or are you hoping to do more of a widespread tour for this EP? What do you have planned?

Well, I think it would be great to get out of Kansas, because when people hear “Flora from Kansas” and they’re in Kansas, it’s not really that cool, y’know?


So it might seem a little cooler if I branch out a little bit and hit some other cities. 

In Kansas, you’re just Flora. Everywhere else, you’re Flora from Kansas. 

That’s good.

So, aside from the EP, do you have any projects that you’re currently working on, or have you just been really focused on this EP?

Yeah, I’ve been pretty focused on this EP, but I’m also working on the songwriting process right now for the next … whatever, I don’t know. The next EP, or something. I might make some other singles after the EP comes out. Who knows.

That’s exciting. What is your creative process currently?

I would say I try to write the lyrics first, and then I will go into Logic Pro and I’ll try to find a melody that would fit the lyrics, but it’s kind of a struggle to come up with lyrics, because usually it’s about things that affect me emotionally and things that I’ve been through. But it’s kind of funny, because recently, life’s been pretty good. So it’s hard for me to find stuff to write about, ‘cus usually my songs are emotional and about my personal life, so.

Well, I’m glad things are going well, and I’m sorry things are going well.


That’s really rough. No, that’s exciting. Do you think that your creative process will change in the future, or do you see yourself sticking with your current process for a long time?

I can see it changing. I mean, as I get better at songwriting and recording and making music, I hope it will—I don’t know—become my own process that is better for me. Because, right now it’s kind of hard, and I need a lot of help from my dad and my brother, so I think it’d be nice to kind of develop my own way of writing stuff and making music, where I can just do it by myself and not have that much help from other people.

That’s a pretty good goal. Do you have any other goals for yourself? Like, where would you like to see yourself in four to five years as an artist?

I would like to, obviously, branch out. Go places and kind of get into the performing part of being an artist. I would love to perform. I don’t know. I mean, hopefully I make a lot more music in five years. We’ll see. We’ll see where it goes. I don’t really have a plan or anything, so.

That’s not too bad. The kind of just ‘figuring it out’ vibe is totally valid. 


I mean, you’re starting off earlier than a lot of people, I feel like. Having such an official EP release coming up? And, the singles that you’ve been releasing have all been not just well-written but, honestly, so well-produced. Again, the music videos have been eating. Like I told you before the interview, as my friend said, “Who is this diva?” 

Yeah. (laughs)

It was so good. So, I don’t know. Personally, I was really excited when I stumbled across you on Instagram, and I really hope people continue to find your music, especially once your EP comes out, because honestly, you’re fairly young—my sister’s also a senior, and knowing her and her friends, and having been in high school too—what you’ve done at this age takes so much time and effort and energy, so it’s so, so impressive what you’ve been able to accomplish thus far. And, I’m really excited to hear the rest of the EP and see everything that you come out with thereafter. I promised I wouldn’t take up too much of your time today….

No, no it’s fine. I’m in no rush.

Okay, okay. Right, because it’s a snow day for you. 


It’s like a captive audience situation.

Yeah, exactly.

That’s exactly what it is. So, who are some of your biggest influences?

Yes. I get asked this a lot, and I kind of always go blank, but I have one. I think people tell me I sound like Clairo. What else? I think I’ve gotten Mac DeMarco? I don’t know if I hear that one, but … I don’t know. My dad’s here with me, so maybe he can tell me. I don’t even know.

Flora’s Dad: Well, who’s on your Spotify? Who do you most listen to?

Oh yeah, who’s on your Spotify Wrapped? That’s the question.

Okay, well, Spotify Wrapped was not the best, because my number one artist was Drake for some reason? 


And I really don’t listen to Drake, so….

I believe you. 

It was pretty bad. I don’t even—

Flora’s Dad: It was probably your little sister. 

Yeah. I don’t even know what that was, but, um. Where’s my phone? But, people I listen to a lot, I would say this artist, Blood Orange. He’s a big one.

I love Blood Orange.

I love him so much, oh my gosh. His music is so good. 


Okay, I wrote it down somewhere, I think. Oh, I listen to the Sundays a lot. And then, recently, I’ve been listening to Beirut. I used to listen to him as a kid, and so it’s kind of been nostalgic for me.

I love that. For anyone who’s not familiar with your music or with Clairo—I also don’t super hear the Mac DeMarco thing? I see where people are coming from—


I really do get the Clairo vibe, though. But, for anyone who’s not familiar with your music or those vibes, how would you describe your music?

I would describe it as “bedroom indie pop,” and then some of my music is pretty angsty and, I don’t know, just a whole mixture of emotional … I don’t know. Just: indie pop bedroom emotional…. I don’t know. That’s the best I can describe it. 

No, I totally get the bedroom pop vibes. Because, when I found it, it reminded me so heavily of early Clairo and early Chloe Moriondo and so on and so forth, so, totally see that.


Okay well, honestly, I’m not gonna lie, I’ve run out of questions to ask you. I guess the only thing I have left to ask is: how are you planning on celebrating the EP release when it comes out?

Oh gosh. I’m probably gonna have a little party/get together with family and friends. I might eat a cake. Might drink some Diet Coke. And … party.

That sounds like a pretty good party. 


Well, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me, and again, so excited to hear this EP and to see what else you come out with in the future. So, yeah. Thanks again so much.

Thank you so much. Yeah, this was so fun. Thank you.

Thank you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your snow day.

Of course!

Alright, bye.

See ya.


Flora’s debut EP Homesick comes out Friday. You can find her information here.


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