Generationals Keep Us Dancing

The New Wave duo come through to Club Dada on 3/28/17 for an unmistakably fun night of dance.

The Generationals @ Club Dada, 3/28/17

The Generationals @ Club Dada, 3/28/17Having been two years since the Generationals had come to Dallas let alone released a new album the crowd was anxious with excitement as the New Orleans duo approached the stage with the rest of the members of the band. They managed to find a way to make the DIY minimalism of Club Dada feel full with color and light.

Despite the band bringing energy the crowd was not as receptive as they had hoped with members awkwardly denying Ted when he came down to dance with the audience. The band was a more soft spoken choosing to let the music speak for them, breaking only to praise to the Raindeer – the dream pop duo reigning in from Baltimore, Maryland that brought the right vibes to start off the show – and thank the audience for returning, and a “come on!” and “are you alright?” in an effort to get the crowd to dance more. Their energy was high, and the audience attentive, but as they left there was a feeling of disdain as you could tell they expected a bit more.

Apart from their three new 2017 releases this was more of a throwback show intended to get the crowd off their feet and dancing on a Tuesday and reconnect with their fans. Opening with “Turning the Screw” a 2017 release and transitioning into “Gold Silver Diamond” a classic that got the crowd livelier. They paid great attention to making the show as lively as possible with intricate coordination of their lights to even the more low key tracks “You Got Me” and “Keep It Low”. Their light and cheery vocals impressively sounded exactly like the vocals on their tracks down to effortless transitions from tenor to soprano. The group played every one of the hits dating back to “When They Fight They Fight” from their first album Con Law and other hits “TenTwentyTen” and “Put a Light On”. The duo ending the night with the indie rock hit “Trust”. Their show was a reminder of their ability to put on a good/captivating show despite not releasing a new album prior to it, and the audience show their loyalty by filling up the larger half of the venue.

The Generationals @ Club Dada, 3/28/17The Generationals @ Club Dada, 3/28/17