Savages @ Trees, 4/11/2016

The London punk visionaries came to Dallas and scorched the crowd with their combination of incendiary punk and Jehnny Beth's sharp lyrics.

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Is it spring? Is it winter? Or is it summer? It’s hard to tell here in Dallas, but one thing is certain, London post-punk giants, Savages were in town this pastMonday night, accompanied by the wonderful Angus Tarnawsky. Angus did the crowd the pleasure of opening for Savages. Angus Tranawsky a musician and recording engineer, was originally from Australia, but now bounces around between New York City and Vancouver. His on-stage brand can be described as harsh noise meets stand-up comedy. It is an interesting juxtaposition, considering the wall of noise that he smashed the audience over-the-head with. His sound was dark and ethereal while simultaneously being vivid and dissonant, which created vast, melancholic soundscapes. Every dissonant decibel, of Angus Tranawsky set, consumed the audience, mesmerizing them like a snake charmer. Angus Tranawsky had a section of the set dedicated to a free-form music-making session, where he did not have a song planned but created one on the spot for the audience to enjoy and cherish. The audience was surprisingly responsive to Angus Tranawsky catalog of obscure soundscapes. It provided Angus Tranawsky with the opportunity to set a dark atmospheric mood when he left the stage, which allowed for a surprisingly perfect transition to what the rest of the night had in store.


Cool, confident, and kinetic is the simplest way to describe the members of the London-based Savages. Savages touring on the back of the release of their latest full-length LP Adore Life. Savages have made a reputation for themselves over the last few months since the release of their record, with appearances on the Jimmy Kimmel Show and Conan. The band took the stage, all members dressed in black, shrouded in darkness and fog, the crowd bubbling over with excitement, prepared for what the night had in store. After the first song, the crowd seemed stiff. Whether that was attributed to the high average age or the fact that it was a Monday night, but that would soon become irrelevant. The second song of the night was promptly followed by the 2013-single “Shut Up”. The song was performed with an infectious visceral energy, completely transformed the Dallas venue into a grimy London punk club. The beautiful ferocity of the London band would continue throughout the night, their energy never began to dwindle, and their presence pushing the boundaries of the transcendental. Savages provided the crowd with post-punk anthems from their 2013 debut: Silence Yourself, as well as their new album Adore Life. The incontestably cool lead singer Camille Berthomier (aka Jehnny Beth), did well extract every iota of energy from the crowd, as they acted as the catalyst for explosive energy that consumed Trees, this past Monday night.


The crowd fed off the almost nuclear energy of the London-quartet, as they played favorites such as “Sad Person” and “No Face”. The significance of the performance was a collaborative effort between the band and audience. The two operating on the same level, only amplifying each other’s energy and creating a truly beautifully chaotic setting. The penultimate song was a heartfelt, almost existential rendition of “Adore”. The performance was brought to an explosive end, as the band performed their 2014-single “Fuckers”. Savages conclude their performance, met with by a roaring crowd that is battered, bewildered, and satisfied. Savages and Angus Tarnawsky provided Dallas punk-rockers with a night to remember. They left Trees, leaving a lasting, prominent impression on all in attendance. The punk-rockers of Dallas will wait patiently, and anxiously for their return, whenever that may be.